As a daughter of a geriatric nurse with nothing more than a lap top, a little external motivation, a lot of education, and a deep desire to make a difference in the world, I am proud to have created an online preventative health and wellness business that enables you to make an impact in someone elses life when you invest in yourself.
Through our Optimize Your Exercise in 365 Program, Preventative Aging Prescription Plan, and Ladies for Longevity Membership I help 50+ women like you fight agianst the effects of aging.
Why did I start Iron Lotus???
From an early age I’ve had a deep desire to make a difference in the world and felt drawn to fix society’s deeper problems. I wanted to know why some people had a better quality of life than others. I wanted to know why some had so many opportunities and access to resources while others had so little.
At first, I wanted to be like my mom. I wanted to be a nurse, believed that I could make a difference by caring for the elderly.
The only thing was, I had and still have a phobia of needles ...
I mean.... I am so scared of needles nurses have to strap me down to give me the flu shot.
Oh and I'm squeamish around blood.
So, CLEARLY I would be a pretty crappy nurse.
But I was also interested in sooo many other seemingly unrelated things such as figure skating, dance, singing, visual arts, nature, global politics and so much more but I’ll keep it short.
After completing a bachelor’s degree in Global Politics & Human Geography, becoming a professional contemporary dancer, rushing around teaching group fitness classes, and diving into the world of self-sustainability, I realized my unusual set of interests and skills was a strength that could help me fulfill my desire of making a bigger impact on the world, on the 50+ community.
During COVID I decided to cut down my hours as a bartender and give up driving all over the city to teach dance in schools and exercise classes at studios, so I could slowly learn the technological skills to create my online business and a structured fitness plan to fight the effects of aging.
I call myself a Longevity Lifestyle Coach because I focus on helping you make lifestyle choices that lead to greater freedom and happiness in old age and support a longer life.

From competitive figure skater, to sedentary university graduate, to 31 year old professional contemporay dancer, to 38 year old certified personal  trainer, yoga teacher and nutritionist, to digital health and wellness business owner and longevity lifestyle coach
I’m undeniable proof that...
It's never to late to start!

I believe you must be preventative with your health and wellness if you want to prevail against aging.
Being preventative with your health and wellness means making lifestyle changes such as implementing a structured fitness routine to reach a personal goal into your daily schedule.
I believe that whether you're just starting out or were an athlete in the past, that a moderate, mindful, and monitored approach to health and fitness is most beneficial at this phase in your life.
No matter what your age or barriers, you have the power to improve the quality of your life in the future if you start now, not later, and the control to maintain these new behaviors and live a life of longevity.
This method is not a quick fix, but a life-long commitment to being devoted to putting yourself and your well-being first.
As a professional contemporary dancer, Yoga Tune Up Instructor, and Hatha Yoga Instructor, I have harvested all my knowledge to cook up some solutions for the problems that are associated with being OVER THE HILL.
Now I envision a world where we all have the skills to proactively fight against the effects of aging and live a better quality of life, with meaning and purpose. And that’s what my business is all about!!
We sell online health and wellness courses, and membership subcriptions to help 50+ women create a lifestyle of longevity.
But a large amount of what we offer is completely free!
I feel so blessed to have a career that provides me with so much purpose, meaning and fulfillment. It lights me up to help others become the best version of themselves.
My commitment is to provide you with the very best scientific-evidence based information and real life wisdom I have acquired in an authentic and creative way and continue to share what I learn and experience in the future.
I tend to believe in progress not perfection, So please don’t expect perfection from me or yoruself. You are human. I am human. I do and will inevitably make mistakes, but you can expect innovative ideas, wellness wisdom, a whole lot of quirkiness and an steadfast advocate to help you live your preventative, mindful, and sustainable lifestyle.
If you’re still reading, thank you. I hope this is the first of many encounters. I’d love to strengthen this bond and connect with you more. The best way to do that is to make sure you become an Iron Lotus Longevity Lifestyler — just sign up below by entering your name and email.
Become a Longevity Lifestyler!
You’ll get weekly movement modifications, motivation and be the first to know about new workshops, early bird discounts, giveaways and other member-only freebies that you can’t get anywhere else.
By entering your info, you’ll become an Iron Lotus Longevity Lifestyler – with FREE access to exclusive insights, private discussions, and inspirational tools, delivered to your inbox. (Unsubscribe anytime in a click.) By subscribing you also agree to our Terms, Policies & Conditions.
Even though I run an online business I do also advocate for a life of health and wellness and therefore must practice what I preach.
So, I spend as much time being present in my life as possible.
This means I spend very little time online, which allows me to avoid burnout and be more present and connected with you when I am in our livestreams and accountability sessions.
The next best way to connect with me is on Instagram, so head on over.
But if you want to be the first to know you will want to get on our Longevity Lifestylers List.
You will only hear from me once a week on Monday's so you don't have to worry about receiving 1000 emails per day like some others you may have subscribed to in the past.
Plus, you’ll get a well-organized (and free) Barrier Buster Blueprint in our Bold & Beautiful Behavior Changes Bootcamp as soon as you subscribe.
You'll love this free bootcamp!!

Get access to this free Bold & Beautiful Behaviour Changes Bootcamp where you are on the behaviour change spectrum, where you want to go, and create Barrier Busters Blueprint to get you quickly and easily from point A to point B.
By entering your info, you’ll become an Iron Lotus Longevity Lifestyler – with FREE access to exclusive insights, private discussions, and inspirational tools, delivered to your inbox. (Unsubscribe anytime in a click.) By subscribing you also agree to our Terms, Policies & Conditions.
It’ll walk you through the fundamentals of changing your unhealthy habits so you can succeed at maintaining behaviour changes on along term basis and live 90 years young instead of 90 years old.
Can't wait for you to bust through your barriers to health and wellness.
Thank you so much for investing the time to learn more about me and how I can support your journey.
I’m excited that our paths have crossed and we have the opportunity to connect. I'm elated to be your cheerleader and devoted supporter through this transformation.