A Mindful Fitness Membership That Can Be Tailored To Your Needs!

Designed to Help You Renew Your Strength & Find Your Center


Mindful Fitness Membership

We attempt to create a space where you can explore your inner self and reconnect with your authentic self. We often lose this connection because we are stuck in our heads, running from one thing to the next, ignoring the signals of basic human instinct and the warning signs the body is giving us about living this way.


It's time to take control of your life, your health and your wellness.

First Thing First

We design our classes to keep you in shape physically and allow time for the mind to decompress, relaxing the nervous system, which is usually stuck in fight-or-flight response, exhausted from our fast - paced way of living.

And Now This

We provide self-care tools first to battle the everyday aches and pains and musculoskeletal imbalances that can cause biomechanics problems and dysfunctions in the body, and secondly, to help prevent, rehabilitate, or restore overworked, underworked, or injured tissues.

Finally This Happens

We provide you with anatomical terms and knowledge, so you feel confident when talking with medical professionals and therapists. We also talk about ways to ensure safe movement practices preventing injuries from unsafe practices or movement habits.

About Our Mindful Fitness Classes!

We offer you a safe and effective fitness program to help you get and stay healthy, using physical therapy, yoga, pilates, somatic, calisthenics, kin stretch, and self-massage techniques, so you can burn calories, build core strength, and increase mobility in a mindful manner, sustaining your body for a lifetime.

We want to teach people to move better and more safely so that they can continue to move well throughout the aging process.


Contrology is a method of exercise that consists of low-impact flexibility, muscular strength and endurance movements. This class strengthens and stabilizes your core body so you can move efficiently while improving your posture, flexibility, and mobility. The focus is on the concept of control rather than cranking out endless reps or muscle exhaustion. Your muscles are working to lift against gravity with the goal of strengthening and isolating the right muscles. Your goal should be to take your time with the exercises, focus on the task at hand, and connect to your breath.

Gentle Hatha Yoga

Gentle Hatha Yoga is geared specifically for those new to yoga or those who are interested in a gentle practice. This class incorporates simple flowing sequences to warm up the body, as well as slower paced movements focusing on alignment, strength, balance, and flexibility. No experience or flexibility required.

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga classes will not only improve flexibility but will help quell the fluctuations of the mind by slowing down the mental loops of frustration, regret, anger and desire that can cause stress, improve your mood by practicing asana and meditation to ease pain, and build awareness for transformation allowing you to break free from destructive emotions and step back from the drama of your own life to gain a fresh perspective.

Ballet Barre Fit

Ballet Barre Fit is a hybrid high intensity, low impact workout class combining classical ballet technique with elements of Pilates, dance, yoga and strength training. These classes start with a warm up to activate the core and upper body before moving to the barre to focus on legs and your glutes and will test your cardiovascular endurance.

Roll With It

Roll With It! Relieves aches and pains, enhances breathing, reduces stress and improves your posture and performance. The body is made up of multiple layers of connective tissue called fascia that weaves its way around every part of your body, connecting and separating your body from head to toe. The Yoga Tune Up Therapy Balls improve the slide and glide between the fascial layers which translates into ease of movement, release of tension, and reduction of discomfort. The grippy texture of the massage therapy balls work by gently locking into all the tissue layers, from the surface of the skin, to the spongy superficial fascia underneath, and further within towards deep fascia. As you Roll With it! The balls roll along the skin, they create massive shear that heats, calms, and lengthens not only the targeted tissues but the associated tissues as well.


Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga is primarily concerned with mastery of the body and the sequences of asana (yoga postures) is generally practiced more slowly and with more static posture holds than other styles of yoga such as Ashtanga or Vinyasa. This class incorporates meditation, visualisation and pranayama (breathing techniques) to examine how we relate to external and internal experience as a path to inner peace.


Calisthenics is resistance training with your own bodyweight. The fundamental goal of calisthenics should be mastering control over lifting and moving your body in space. Using familiar exercises such as squats, push-ups, planks, lunges, burpees and crunches in intervals to strengthen, stabilize, mobilize, and burn calories.

Kin Stretch

Kinstretch is a movement enhancement system that develops maximum body control, flexibility, and USABLE ranges of motion. It is designed to be a group class that creates better articular health, mobility and movement needed for the demands of life, sport, exercise, running, hobbies and just about anything else you could think of.

Kinstretch is much more than stretching. Not only does it open up new ranges of motion for your joints, but it teaches your body how to control the new ranges. This is key. Rather than being an alternative to other forms of exercise, mobility, or flexibility programs, Kinstretch is a system that prepares you for all these other things. So if you want to strength train, run, do yoga, etc. then Kinstretch will help ensure that your joints can handle the movements and exercises involved in these activities. It will also help maintain and improve joint function for overall well-being and longevity.

Soma Stretch

Soma Stretch classes guide you through easy, gentle somatic movements to start you on a path to a pain free life. Somatics uses the mind body connection to help you survey your internal self and listen to the signals your body sends about areas of pain, discomfort, or imbalance.This movement practice will reduce or eliminate chronic muscle pain and improve mobility and physical comfort for the long term.

Our Memberships

Video On Demand Membership

$80 / Month

  • 4 Contrology Classes
  • 1 Ballet Barre Fit Class
  • I Kin Stretch Class
  • I Calisthenics Class
  • 4 Roll With It Classes
  • 4 Gentle Hatha Yoga Classes
  • 4 Hatha Yoga Classes
  • 4 Yin Yoga Classes


We attempt to create a space where you can explore your inner self and reconnect with your authentic self. We often lose this connection because we ate stuck in our heads, running from one thing to the next, ignoring the signals of basic human instinct and the warning signs the body is giving us about living this way.

After years of back problems and the onset of hip arthritis I was so happy when I found Amber's classes. Amber offers yoga, strength and one of my favourites: yoga tune-up classes using Jill Miller's self-massage therapy balls. I have found the yoga tune-up classes invaluable in giving me the tools to alleviate my back pain and work out kinks in my muscles from my head to my feet. They're awesome! Amber's classes are creative and inspiring, sharing her extensive knowledge of yoga. She understands the body and its movement and always offers modifications to adapt to all levels of practice. Her classes are well-structured, targeted to specific goals and complete and she does everything from her heart. I have definitely noticed a huge difference in my mobility, core strength and flexibility. Thank you Amber!! 🙂

Ruth B.

First, I am loving your classes.  Previous, to the last 5 years I was an extremely active person that excelled in sporting.  What will be 6 years in January I was in a scary place as I rapidly became extremely sick.

I have found lots of ways to build my strength up and had some Yoga experience many years ago, but thought that it would be a great form of exercise but more so a way to have more control of my mental health.  I did try a few other places but there wasn’t really any instruction for those who were new or hadn’t done it in a while which for me was extremely frustrating.




We want to teach people to move better and more safely so that they can continue to move well throughout the aging process.

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